Links Not Working
The links to my pages only work if I login. I've check permissions and all looks correct. What am I missing? (version 8)
Even if I manually enter the path to a page it redirects back to the home page.
Even if I manually enter the path to a page it redirects back to the home page.

Have you published all the pages? If so, it may be possible that you haven't approved the pages. Try going to the pages and look for a blue "Approve this version" button. If it hasn't been approved, it may not show to the public.
Pages are saved and the permissions are set to allow Guest to view.
Have you checked to see if you have accidentally set a 301 permanent redirect to do go index.php within your control panel which might be causing this?
Either that or possibly canonical settings within concrete5?
Either that or possibly canonical settings within concrete5?
I visited your web site, and the links worked. Maybe deleting your browser’s cache could help. It is also useful sometimes to empty the cache within concrete5, which can be done via the dashboard or via FTP (application/files/cache/*.*) – only delete the files within the directory, not the cache directory itself.
There has been no activity in this thread for the past 6 weeks.
Chances are the problem has been solved..
There has been no activity in this thread for the past 6 weeks.
Chances are the problem has been solved..
I reloaded the site from scratch.
Thank You,
Hoyt Whittington
(P) 337-945-3887
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Thank You,
Hoyt Whittington
(P) 337-945-3887
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