Liquidweb server issues
Has anyone experienced issues moving concrete5 websites to Liquidweb VPS? I have two c5 sites that work fine on hostmonsters shared servers:
Hostmonster has concrete5 by default and LW does not. I am not a developer and could use some advice on how to proceed with LW tech team:
The tech team from Liquidweb sent this:
I have the two sites restored to their own accounts on the new server, and I have version-matched these servers as much as possible, however, it does appear there are many customer PHP modules on the source.
I am getting odd behaviour from the two accounts, which appear to require shared, concrete files, so believe this to be related to the concrete software.
Oftentimes, software can be installed by migrating the data, however, other-times, the install of this needs to be done manually. I am thinking this is the issue, so would like to know if you could provide any details in regards to the concrete install? Examples of what would help are required dependency versions, license keys, or even an installer.
/* end message from tech team */
Has anyone experienced issues moving concrete5 websites to Liquidweb VPS? I have two c5 sites that work fine on hostmonsters shared servers:
Hostmonster has concrete5 by default and LW does not. I am not a developer and could use some advice on how to proceed with LW tech team:
The tech team from Liquidweb sent this:
I have the two sites restored to their own accounts on the new server, and I have version-matched these servers as much as possible, however, it does appear there are many customer PHP modules on the source.
I am getting odd behaviour from the two accounts, which appear to require shared, concrete files, so believe this to be related to the concrete software.
Oftentimes, software can be installed by migrating the data, however, other-times, the install of this needs to be done manually. I am thinking this is the issue, so would like to know if you could provide any details in regards to the concrete install? Examples of what would help are required dependency versions, license keys, or even an installer.
/* end message from tech team */
When they say they want "you could provide any details in regards to the concrete install", that tells me they don't know any more about installing concrete5 than you do. It appears they don't understand. Did you provide them with the backups to be installed on the new server or are they just winging it?
As seopher mentioned, is there a specific error they are getting?
As seopher mentioned, is there a specific error they are getting?
That's a weird statement. The two C5 installs should be completely separate entities entirely.
I've never had any problems with the portability of Concrete5.
Specifically what's the problem you're encountering?
Assuming they're both fairly comparable LAMP stacks (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) then C5 should port over quite happily.
They just need to create web-directories for each of the sites, dump the C5 install in there, ensure the databases are present - ensure the config files have the correct database credentials set... Maybe give the directories on the server a little tickle in regards to permissions (to ensure /files/ is writable, for a start)... But it should just work.
I'm not sure I understand their concerns as overly descriptive; they don't really say what's wrong other than that they're getting "odd" behaviour. I'd request more info.