Made my subfolder to root - now google maps won't work.

Hello dear Community,

Something strange happend: I built a website with Concrete 5.7 on a webspace without domain. Now I gave birth to it. After I cleared the cach- everything worked - except the google maps- block. Seems to be a problem with java script.

DP shoul be the same - so what? =)

Would be great if someone tells me what to do.
Greetings from austria.

JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
cifcreative replied on at Permalink Reply
Nope - to be sure, I tried it.

Well. on the webhosters path to the website, google maps works great. Just when i visit the page via the domain, it doesn't.
mesuva replied on at Permalink Reply
If you were accessing the site through the webhosters path before June 22, Google would have recorded that address as an 'existing install' and will let it run keyless.

As you're now running it through a different address/domain, Google is seeing it as a new domain, so you HAVE to run the maps with a key. You'll need to follow the two different instructions I mentioned in that thread, to create overrides for two files.
cifcreative replied on at Permalink Reply
You where all right! I was wrong! =)
I am guilty on installing the website on the 21st of June.

As I said above: I did like in Mesuvas solution.. but did't wait until the API was ready. Everythign works fine, thank you very much!