Mailchimp install throwing errors
Just tried to install the mailchimp integration and I'm receiving the following error:
The following errors occurred when attempting to process your request:
* mysql error: [1071: Specified key was too long; max key length is 1000 bytes] in EXECUTE("ALTER TABLE btMailchimpGroups ADD UNIQUE INDEX groups (grouping_name, name)")
Anybody else have this issue ?
Just tried to install the mailchimp integration and I'm receiving the following error:
The following errors occurred when attempting to process your request:
* mysql error: [1071: Specified key was too long; max key length is 1000 bytes] in EXECUTE("ALTER TABLE btMailchimpGroups ADD UNIQUE INDEX groups (grouping_name, name)")
Anybody else have this issue ?
Have you contacted the developer for this issue? Seems like that would be the way to go.
that's not the MailChimp official app install, MailMonkey. We dont' have that table. you must be talking about the $20 one?
Either way...that looks to me to be an SQL error, not an app error. But I would check their XML file in the package for the db and see if they have some limit...perhaps used TinyInteger for the key?
Just a thought
Either way...that looks to me to be an SQL error, not an app error. But I would check their XML file in the package for the db and see if they have some limit...perhaps used TinyInteger for the key?
Just a thought