Migrating Site to new server, database and base url. Strict Standards Error

I have migrated several sites before but this is the first one that I've had to move it to a new server, a new database and a new base URL. I have follow many of the online suggestions about turning errors off, updating the .htaccess and the php.ini. Nothing has helped.

I am moving the site from my hosting package to the clients hosting package, same company, same server configuration. Both are the same 1&1 Linux Package.

It is using Concrete5.5.1. I attempted to do a manual upgrade, thinking that would correct the issue, but I get a "Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'ADODB_Exception' with message 'mysql error: [1054: Unknown column 'logUserID' in 'field list']..."

Here is the URL:http://www.ksrx.co

Any help is GREATLY appreciated! Thank you in advance.

madeforspace replied on at Permalink Reply
grosik replied on at Permalink Reply
i was having somehow simmilar issue. try to update table names via phpmyadmin, it's my table update code im using when moving sites from localhost to server:
RENAME   TABLE   areapermissionassignments         TO   AreaPermissionAssignments            ;
RENAME   TABLE   areas         TO   Areas            ;
RENAME   TABLE   attributekeycategories         TO   AttributeKeyCategories            ;
RENAME   TABLE   attributekeys         TO   AttributeKeys            ;
RENAME   TABLE   attributesetkeys         TO   AttributeSetKeys            ;
RENAME   TABLE   attributesets         TO   AttributeSets            ;
RENAME   TABLE   attributetypecategories         TO   AttributeTypeCategories            ;
RENAME   TABLE   attributetypes         TO   AttributeTypes            ;
RENAME   TABLE   attributevalues         TO   AttributeValues            ;
RENAME   TABLE   blockrelations         TO   BlockRelations            ;
RENAME   TABLE   blocktypes         TO   BlockTypes            ;
RENAME   TABLE   blocks         TO   Blocks            ;
RENAME   TABLE   collectionattributevalues         TO   CollectionAttributeValues            ;
RENAME   TABLE   collectionsearchindexattributes         TO   CollectionSearchIndexAttributes            ;
RENAME   TABLE   collectionversionarealayouts         TO   CollectionVersionAreaLayouts            ;

if an error occured (due to diffrent table names and so on), just remove code to the line, where error appeard and run the script again (without lines you have removed). then check all tables, if they were changed.

i hope this can help