Missing Page Types - Manual vs. One-Click Installers - Sample Data Option

I've noticed that if I use the one-click installer (Softaculous) at my web host, it does not provide an option for installation of sample data. It appears that if no sample data is installed, only two page types are set up in Concrete.

If I manually install Concrete and select "install sample data", I end up with four page types...which is what I want.

Themes used are identical between the one-click and manually-installed versions.

Does use or non-use of sample data at installation really cause this to happen?

I'm using the Yosemite Theme for the most part.

I also have tried to create new page types but they don't seem to really "stick" with that theme...don't really know why.

Thanks for your help and guidance.

djdubuque replied on at Permalink Reply
There should have been a check box during the setup to install the sample data.