missing program files

hi i have resently set up my web page but as time has passed one thing after an other keeps going wrong ie ; firstly the section of program called system & maintenance has gone missing when i try to go to it all i get is a line of text saying something about lynux.
Also although i am down as a web master it wont let me remove or change images saying i must get permision. can anyone help

Remo replied on at Permalink Reply
Can you be a bit more precision about that error message? It's rather difficult to imagine what's wrong when we only have "something about Linux"
tantrik6 replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi thier Remo,you asked me to be more explisit regarding the line of text that comes up when i try to open the system & maintenance section of my dashboard, this is what it says
Remo replied on at Permalink Reply
Sorry, doesn't ring a bell at all.
You probably have to check your server log files.

The problem might start with concrete5 but I seriously doubt you'd ever get a concrete5 error message like this if there wasn't something wrong with the OS, Apache, PHP..