mod deflate not working on subfolders
hello I apologize in advance if you good people think this has nothing to do with concrete5
i am adding compression lines to the .htaccess file in root, and my server is not compressing files in the /concrete/css and concrete/js folders.
it does manage to compress other files ok anything on index.php gets compressed
is this caused by c5? or should i go away and google for an answer till i die?
i am adding compression lines to the .htaccess file in root, and my server is not compressing files in the /concrete/css and concrete/js folders.
it does manage to compress other files ok anything on index.php gets compressed
is this caused by c5? or should i go away and google for an answer till i die?
thanks Frz,
it only compresses the output between the server and the browser. so although not a huge savings it reduces a 4.6k file to 1.7, which is not much of a saving, but still it works.
but the css files that are in the themes are percieved to be served from the index.php file, so those are being compressed correctly.
I am more interested in compressing the js, and 2 of the files are in subfolders
It appears that it may be related to disabling directory listings on my server (which does not work at the moment).
by the way I would be interested in more info on those acceleratorss if you have any.
names would be fine.
also if you know if they work well with Concrete5 that info would be handy.
it only compresses the output between the server and the browser. so although not a huge savings it reduces a 4.6k file to 1.7, which is not much of a saving, but still it works.
but the css files that are in the themes are percieved to be served from the index.php file, so those are being compressed correctly.
I am more interested in compressing the js, and 2 of the files are in subfolders
It appears that it may be related to disabling directory listings on my server (which does not work at the moment).
by the way I would be interested in more info on those acceleratorss if you have any.
names would be fine.
also if you know if they work well with Concrete5 that info would be handy.
we use eAccelerator
just to clarify, this does not appear to be anything to do with Concrete5
the .htaccess file does not work on subfolders if directory listings is enabled.
so i think that is what is happenning
but, right now my server is playing up and not letting me disable directory listing.
thanks for posting frz
the .htaccess file does not work on subfolders if directory listings is enabled.
so i think that is what is happenning
but, right now my server is playing up and not letting me disable directory listing.
thanks for posting frz
So I assume you have access to httpd.conf or .htaccess allow you to set this up?
This is the config setting that I sometime do for mod_deflate.
This is the config setting that I sometime do for mod_deflate.
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html text/plain text/xml text/css text/javascript BrowserMatch ^Mozilla/4 gzip-only-text/html BrowserMatch ^Mozilla/4\.0[678] no-gzip BrowserMatch \bMSIE !no-gzip !gzip-only-text/html
tx katz515,
I do have access to the httpd.conf, unfortunately I am also using cpanel whm.
it kind of takes over the management of the httpd.conf somehow, and my host does not seem to be able to tell me how i can edit this myself from cpanel.
The seem to insist on doing it for me, which I don't like as I don't know what they are doing.
I do have access to the httpd.conf, unfortunately I am also using cpanel whm.
it kind of takes over the management of the httpd.conf somehow, and my host does not seem to be able to tell me how i can edit this myself from cpanel.
The seem to insist on doing it for me, which I don't like as I don't know what they are doing.
im not sure i see tremendous value in doing so, PHP isn't served across the pipe.. compress JS? sure?... compress PHP? i'd be intrigued if that gave the php rendering engine much of an advantage. You're far better off making sure something like accelerator is installed on your server.