Moving C5 from one account to another
I'm having an interesting time moving a C5 site out of a subfolder on one account to a brand new account with a brand new DB. Here's what was going on. The dev before me was working on a BRAND new site that was in a subfolder of another C5 site. The main site was going off a 5.4.2 version and the site in the subfolder is running off 5.5.2. So we decided to have the new site on a new URL so I moved the new site onto a new account and imported the database to start new (even if they are on the same server). I got this error that is attached. Granted I did try to update the C5 to I think it was when it was on the old server, but was running into errors with it so I took out the update declaration in the config/site.php. After I saw this error, I just went back to using the same database that the old one was running off of and it seemed to work. The site came up, but C5 was acting REALLY REALLY odd. One of the images that was uploaded for one of the pages was showing up as a favicon. All of the ProBlog blocks that has a TON of custom templates was not seeing any of them. It was just acting weird. Right now I'm trying to wipe everything clean and start out brand new again to see if that fixes it. Anyone else run into this?
This site has a TON of images if that changes anything--like 800 or so if that means anything.
I'm having an interesting time moving a C5 site out of a subfolder on one account to a brand new account with a brand new DB. Here's what was going on. The dev before me was working on a BRAND new site that was in a subfolder of another C5 site. The main site was going off a 5.4.2 version and the site in the subfolder is running off 5.5.2. So we decided to have the new site on a new URL so I moved the new site onto a new account and imported the database to start new (even if they are on the same server). I got this error that is attached. Granted I did try to update the C5 to I think it was when it was on the old server, but was running into errors with it so I took out the update declaration in the config/site.php. After I saw this error, I just went back to using the same database that the old one was running off of and it seemed to work. The site came up, but C5 was acting REALLY REALLY odd. One of the images that was uploaded for one of the pages was showing up as a favicon. All of the ProBlog blocks that has a TON of custom templates was not seeing any of them. It was just acting weird. Right now I'm trying to wipe everything clean and start out brand new again to see if that fixes it. Anyone else run into this?
This site has a TON of images if that changes anything--like 800 or so if that means anything.
Thanks JohntheFish!
The files are still moving over, but I'll let you know if any of your tips work. :)
The files are still moving over, but I'll let you know if any of your tips work. :)
Hey! So after completely reuploading the files, it works with the new database and all. I uploaded the folders in chunks. I think Filezilla got overworked and didn't upload all the files. Hmm. Thanks for the tips though! Sure I'll be using them in the future. :)
With that you can double check the c5 version of the backup.
Then install that backup on that version of c5.
Only upgrade once the backup is properly installed.
Another possibility would be skew between making the database backup and the files backup, so that files are no longer in the right places.
Yet another possibility is that caching is getting in the way, so empty all caches before restoring then again after.