Moving live site to local for plugin testing - upgrading plugins not allowed
I've just moved a backup of a live site to my local environment for testing. I'm happy to say the upgrade from to went successfully. But now I'd like to test the plugin updates. I have to updates available, but I get:
"No updates for your add-ons are available.
Your site is not connected to the concrete5 community.
The base URL of your site does not match a registered instance of the site. Please click below to authenticate your site again."
Is there a way of being able to test these plugins locally? If I change the setting for the community connection - will it kill the plugins on the live site? These 2 plugins I believe were actually purchased - not free.
Thanks for your thoughts.
"No updates for your add-ons are available.
Your site is not connected to the concrete5 community.
The base URL of your site does not match a registered instance of the site. Please click below to authenticate your site again."
Is there a way of being able to test these plugins locally? If I change the setting for the community connection - will it kill the plugins on the live site? These 2 plugins I believe were actually purchased - not free.
Thanks for your thoughts.