Moving site from Wamp to server problems

Im having some issues moving my site from Wamp to my server.
I am:
1. Uploading the files via FTP.
2. Creating a blank DB.
3. Importing the DB via PHPMYADMIN.
4. Altering the config/site.php file to accomodate the changes.

Im getting an error:
mysql error: [1146: Table 'xxxxxxxxx.Config' doesn't exist] in EXECUTE("select * from Config where uID = 0 order by cfKey asc")

The problem is the table does exist?

Any thoughts most welcome+ thanks for any advice given.

Mnkras replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Except that table does not exist,

config is not the same as Config (note the case) due to mysql on windows being weird, you have to either manually re-camelcase the tablenames, or find one of the scripts on the forum.

jonwish replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for the help.
Found the script to Re-CamelCase but its for an older version of C5 + MYSQL so I have got some tweaking to do.

Thankyou again