Moving Site Trouble, Need Urgent Assistance Plz

Hi All,

I just tried to copy an existing c5 based website I have to another hosting I use. Here's a rundown of what I did:
1. I installed a fresh copy of C5 on the new domain (including creating a database)
2. I then copied all the files from the old domain to the new one.

I can log in to the dashboard, files seem to appear, I can even see a preview of my theme. But the actual site appears white blank. I tried enabling/disabling pretty urls, didn't make any difference.

What am I missing? Please note I am quite new to this.
Any help would be most appreciated!

FischerVision replied on at Permalink Reply
Did you also copy the database information to your new database?
kopykat replied on at Permalink Reply
I think I might have missed that part...
How is this process done? I have Phpmyadmin on both hosting sites...
When I look at the old website I see two databases, one is called information_schema and the other is the name I gave it.
Do I just export?
FischerVision replied on at Permalink Reply
Export your old DB information and import it in your new one. But make sure that you change all the URL statements.
So if you export it as a .sql file, open it with Notepad++ replace all (control + F and replace all) your old URL's to your new one. After that you could try to upload it into your new database.

Edit: You can forget about information_schema database. It has nothing to do with it. Just focus on the C5 databases
kopykat replied on at Permalink Reply
How about the backup database option from the C5 dashboard? Can this do the trick as well?
FischerVision replied on at Permalink Reply
You could try that. But you'll have to change all your URL's in the old database file first anyway.
kopykat replied on at Permalink Reply
Just so I'm sure we're on the same page...
I logged in to the old website's dashboard, and made a database backup which I downloaded...
I then opened the sql file with notepad++ , and replaced the urls of with .
Now I created a new database for the new website, I zipped the sql file and tried to import via myphpadmin... this process timed out (I tried several times).
the original C5 DB had 172 tables, now all thats been uploaded is 151 tables (over and over again).
The file size of the zipped sql file is less than 5mb.
I already edited the site.php file so it is targeting the new database...
any idea why myphpadmin keeps dropping?

So I tried exporting the C5 database via myphpadmin instead of using the C5 database option, and eventually I successfully imported it to the new website... yet I still see a blank page when loading the website.. what else could I be missing here?
FischerVision replied on at Permalink Reply
You have to make sure that you have all your tables. Also, look at your base URL. With or w/o the "www." can make a great difference. Also make sure that paths are right (themes paths etc). What your site url? Maybe I can take a look at it.
kopykat replied on at Permalink Reply
It seems like all the tables are there (172 tables just like in the old website's database). Didn't quite understand what you meant by with or w/o www. or what theme paths are?
The website is and the old one
If you can take a closer look that would be great!
Blenderite replied on at Permalink Reply
What hosting service did you transfer from and to?

Personally, the only way that I have had success with transferring a site is this:

1. Export database from phpMyAdmin. Only export the one that you created.

2. Go to where you have the site right now, on your old service. Copy the entire installation of C5 to the other hosting service. If you can't do a server to server transfer, simply download the files to your PC, using a FTC client such as Filezilla. And then upload them to your new service.

3. Once you have it copied, go into the files and look for these:
Chuck anything that is inside these folders. Don't go to your site yet!

4. Now, go into the phpMyAdmin of your new hosting service and create a new database. Name it something logical like concrete5 or something. Import the database backup by using the import button.

5. Go to your site. Hopefully it will show up fine. If it doesn't let us now.

JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
ConcreteOwl replied on at Permalink Reply
Quite likely its your htaccess file causing the problem,
Try adding /index.php to the end of your site url and you should see it works,
If so, Try disabling pretty urls from system & settings, clear your cache and then re-enable pretty urls..
FischerVision replied on at Permalink Reply
I've chatted a little bit with him. We've tried all that without any luck. But I think he maybe forgot to edit his Site.php to his new URL. But with /index.php it is actually working, so I also thought of .htaccess.
FischerVision replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
The host was Dreamhost. Could be some of the trouble.
In site.php in the config folder add:
define('URL_REWRITING_ALL', true);

Make a new php5.ini file with only the following line:
cgi.fix_pathinfo = 1

Place this in your root folder.

Make your .htaccess file the following
# -- concrete5 urls start --
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^(default.htm)/?$ index.php
RewriteRule ^(default.html)/?$ index.php
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /index.php/$1 [L]

Note: if you've an index.html in your root. Change default.html and default.htm to index.html

If you have dreamhost, turn of FastCGI.