Moving/Syncing an existing Concrete5 - Having Problems

1. Followed the Concrete5 instruction

2. Exported a copy from phpmyadmin and imported the results to phymyadmin -> no errors.

3. Backup/copied a complete version of the site to a new directory

4. The home page comes up. But when I try to login in. This is the error on the "Login Error" page.

mysql error: [-32000: Cache write error] in CacheExecute(/home/denhuang/webapps/stagebcs/files/cache/c7/adodb_c746a2f09166f14e0246593ec6393496.cache, select ctID from PageTypes)

After that the whole site crashes.

Anyone ? Please ?

dude replied on at Permalink Reply
Fixed my own problem.

The trick was to make sure I copied over the FILES folder.

The copy that I had on the new site did not have this folder. Copying the folder over did the trick.