multiple 404 errors on site

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This is my first Concrete site, and I did search this topic like crazy. In fact I fixed some of my install errors like, setting up my (.htaccess for my root and sub directory) and setting up a php.ini in root because of my hosting's mod security rules. I can create pages and modify pages fine. I just have the problem of not being able to upload anything through file manager. I have tried 80kb to 10mb files using the single upload and upload multiple. When I use single upload I just get a continuous loading progress and with the multiple upload i get (Upload Error: 404). With both I get this same error with firebug in firefox ("NetworkError: 404 Not Found - also this error (ReferenceError: initFrame is not defined) pointing to I also am not able to add any users I get this error when I go to add a user and setup the user info then click on add user button. Page Not Found
No page could be found at this address and firebug ("NetworkError: 404 Not Found -").... Thanks any help would be greatly appreciated. other errors "NetworkError: 404 Not Found -
"NetworkError: 404 Not Found -
"NetworkError: 404 Not Found -
"NetworkError: 404 Not Found -
"NetworkError: 404 Not Found -

adajad replied on at Permalink Reply
Does the referenced files exist?

I would first re-upload the concrete directory to your root, replacing all core files, to see if that solves the problem.

You can find more information about the folder structure here:
hostingjb replied on at Permalink Reply
I believe the referenced file exist. I have recently reuploaded the concrete directory over my previous dir and no change. I have setup websites in other cms's, but I haven't used a cms that list directories with a file name in the path like index.php ( I can see in the folders there is a path called (tltc/concrete/tools/files/importers/single.php) my error listed the reference as a folder not a file /single not single.php. which my be correct like I said I dont fully understand how this cms works im new to it (seems to me it calls scripts). I also noticed other files like the ones listed above (.png) are in this folder (tltc/concrete/images) Could there be somewhere in setting that is wrong looking for these paths or files. Btw I also followed this tutitorial because I have a subdirectory. When I followed that tuititorial then I fixed the previous errors that i mentioned above in first post. Thanks for the suggestions
hostingjb replied on at Permalink Reply
I removed the sub directory and now using root but still the exact same problems and I have changed my setting back to original instead of the sub directory.
hostingjb replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
The Problem is solved. I found it was caused by another mod security rule from my hosting provider. I searched through Apache logs, concrete logs, firebug errors, etc and couldn't find what was causing the problem. After the mod security rule was turned off my site works with no errors. I do thank adajad for attempting to help.