need help installing or update c5 on plesk under windows

hi - i see that there is a c5 installion under plesk - fantastic !

however it is 5.4.x.

is there anyone here that can help me either install 5.5.x under plesk (windows server version), or update the 5.4.x to 5.5.x ?

am more than willing to pay for the assistance.



Ekko replied on at Permalink Reply
I can manually install to plesk as well as update. Let me know if you still need a hand, and I will show you how to do it.
lesccseh replied on at Permalink Reply
Great, I will try to contact you via your profile to set something up.

there will be two aspects to this.

i have a brand new plesk install (windows) that should be ready in a few days.

i also have a current plesk install (windows) where i tried the 5.4 install. it seemed to install ok (no errors) but it cannot find the home page nor can i sign into the c5 site.

whatever we discover, we should write up here for other plesk users.

galletti replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Ekko

I am currently attempting you install Concrete5 onto my server using Plesk and have followed the steps. Unzipped the file, added it to the httpdocs folder, created the mySQL database and user. But as this point the installations seems to fall apart. Doesn't seem to show me the installation screen when i type in the domain.

I wondered if you could tell me if I was missing something obvious?
Blenderite replied on at Permalink Reply
You can update any version of C5 from the Dashboard. If that doesn't work, simply unzip the next version into the Updates folder in the C5 files. Simple.