Need help Migrating 11 sites from Network Solutions to Bluehost

I know I'm going to continue to screw something up. I'm following every instruction to the letter, but it's just not happening for me. Is there anyone out there that would be willing to work with me and migrate them over for me. I have no issue giving you the necessary access to get it done. I'm fried at this point trying to figure this out and I don't want to do any more damage. PHP and databases are not at all my specialty!

mesuva replied on at Permalink Reply

I've never used Bluehost before, so I could be very wrong about this (if I am, someone please correct me), but I seem to recall a few negative posts about them in the past. I know most hosts get criticised, but I seem to recall some issues either to do with poor support (as they are pretty budget I believe), or with C5 not running too well on them. I can't quite remember.

Regardless, before moving all your sites across, I'd suggest doing some further research to check that they will be ok. Perhaps do a test run first with a few sites for a while. This goes for any web host.

One other quick point, and I mean absolutely no offence at all by this, but if PHP and databases are not really your specialty, then why are you performing the task of such a large migration? If you have been given the task by someone else, I'd say you're better off saying that it's out of your area of expertise as opposed to getting yourself into more trouble. I sympathise if you have no other option!

I'd suggest that you'll be unlikely to have someone jump in and offer to do the migrations for you, but if you post some error messages, there is a very good chance people will be able to comment on them and steer you in the right direction. Once you have the steps down for one site, the others should be pretty similar.

barkingtuna replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for the suggestions. I am not completely incapable of migrating them as I may have inadvertently implied... it is just a lack of time and experience that make me feel that it would be better to have someone else take it on. That said, I have found a C5 user who is currently helping me. As for Bluehost, I would hope that if it were recommended by C5 as it is, it would suffice. I'm sure, as with any hosting company as you point out, there are going to be issues, but anything is better than Network Solutions at this point. Thank you again for responding.
numberonebestsupertech replied on at Permalink Reply
Here is the link to concrete5's instructions for migrating their sites. You can also use their forums.