Need help moving website from subdomain

First, let me say that while I have extensive coding experience, I have almost no experience dealing with websites.

I inherited an old C5 website at our church and have recently rebuilt it using C5 5.8.4 to enable the use of Captchas. I built the new version in a subdomain ( and I need to move it to the root ( I have looked at all of the documentation I can find on how to move the website but I am so confused now that I have no idea what to do. Also, there is so much junk in the file structure on the host that I don't know what needs to stay and what can go. For the moment I have a redirect on the domain which will point users to the new version of the site but that's not ideal.

I suppose I could backup the new website, completely clean out the entire host file structure, reinstall C5 then restore the code and databases but I don't want to risk making the situation worse.

Is there someone who could help me to figure out what to do next?

Thanks in advance for any help anyone can give me.

ConcreteOwl replied on at Permalink Reply
This is something I do on a regular basis.
I regularly see the hosts files and folders structure used as a dustbin for discarded projects and failed installs etc.
This can be confusing if you are not sure on what can be deleted and what cannot.
In your situation... maybe the hosts tech guys can help in the cleanup and the moving of the sub domain to the main domain.
ConcreteOwl replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
@gspcsg All done now including an upgrade to 8.5.2 so it can run on PHP7.3.

Best Regards
gspcsg replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for all of your help.