Need to upgrade to 5.6, but web host no longer supports 1 click install

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I nearly sprayed coffee on my keyboard when I discovered my site was shut down. Turns out my webhost,, no longer supports the latest version of Concrete 5. They had some security issues so are no longer supporting the 1-click install. What that means for me is I cannot access my control panel and don't have a way to upgrade to 5.6.

Dreamhost only provides me with this solution:

"Unfortunately, we do not have a maintainer for our Concrete5 one-click
install. You will need to update your Concrete5 installation manually. In
order to do this, you will need to disassociate your one-click install by
clicking "Remove From List" from within the panel interface, and then
following the C5 upgrade instructions provided here:

Well, when I go to the link it merely has upgrade instructions via the control panel. In other words dreamhost support has been a dead end.

How can I get my site back up?

Thanks for any help!

adajad replied on at Permalink Reply
This is a better how-to on doing a manual upgrade:

Unfortunately I can't tell you how to unlink the 1-click-install on dreamhost, but that might be obvious for you.

Can you reach your site at all? Is it up or running or have they completely blocked you out without prior information?