New Concrete5 Site - GoDaddy Windows Hosting w/ IIS 8.0 and Plesk v12

Dear Concrete5,
I have read every support document, forum thread, and How To's on Installation & Setup, as well as Basic Configuration, and I am still having problems. Nothing I have found so far applies directly to my situation, including the developers "Basic Installation & Setup" page, and the GoDaddy Hosting install and config How To's. The site I am working on is a Windows server (not my choice and out of my control) running IIS 8.0 and Plesk v12.

In my efforts so far I have come to the conclusion that there is no .htaccess or php5.ini file that I can edit. I can create these manually if needed, but I don't know at this point if that is needed or if it will work. I do not have to install concrete5 manually, as there is an APS formatted package that I can click in the Plesk Cpanel to install v5.7.3.1.

If someone could help me with the following I would be very grateful. :-)

1. After installing concrete5 v5.7.3.1 (using the APS version form the application page in GoDaddy), I would like to manually upgrade to v5.7.4.2. I plan to follow the steps on the How to Manually Upgrade concrete 5 page at: Are there any specific tweaks I need to make because my server is Windows based?

2. I want to make concrete5 my homepage, and the other site pages as well, so where do I install concrete5? The root directory on this server is "httpdocs". If I install concrete5 in that root, httpdocs\concrete5, do I need to move any of the sub directories that concrete creates, to the root, such as the "concrete" directory? In other words, when a user clicks a link to the site URL, I want concrete5 to be the default page that loads. If I do not have an .htaccess file to edit, how do I do this?

The site I am working on is

Thank you in advance for the support.


surfsupjoe125 replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi there,

Yes but you need to setup like this :

Use IIS7, php5.2.9 and MySQL5.1.37 and phpmyadmin 3.2.1

Yes the manual install is fairly straight forward.

Yes you upload the version of concrete as a compressed file zip rar, etc. Once there in your root, extract the files. Once extracted, move the files to the root and Volia! you got it!

surfsupjoe125 replied on at Permalink Reply
Sorry IIS 8 in fine too
surfsupjoe125 replied on at Permalink Reply
One last thing, if I were you I would drop the windows server for optimum performance.

surfsupjoe125 replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi WyoCowboy,

Any joy? In answer to 2. upload the concrete version as a zip file to your root. Once you have done that, extract your files. they will extract within the zipped folder. Copy all of the extracted files and move them to the root. You will end up with an empty folder and the zip file. At that point you can delete those 2 files. You will now have the core installed on the root. From there you build a database. Once that is complete, call up the URL for whatever your domain name is and it should pull up the concrete installation. Simply fill in the requested information and your site will come up to the default theme. Once there, you can install whatever theme you are using and off you go to the design.
