new database or new root folder- best option

Excuse my ignorance but I haven't done this kind of operation before so I could use some help getting my head around this. I need to start a new version of C5 and transfer existing database and files, so what is best approach- make a new database on server (guidance here, if necessary, my server support is lean) or make a new root folder in existing database.

I have installed and have a developing knowledge of phpMyAdmin, but basics. I installed original version of C5 through my webhost (simple scripts).

I would appreciate any tidbits of info here- my site won't upgrade- deleted all previous page versions and tried all the other suggestions I could follow. So I feel clean version install best option.

Adreco replied on at Permalink Reply
Have you tried a manual upgrade? I found the following very helpful on upgrading a problematic site

(Its also useful step for adding beta versions if you so choose.)


PS this is Not going through your database but rather by FTP to your route directory. If a folder named "updates" is not where it should be, you can create it yourself
mhawke replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
From looking at your history of issues with your site, I agree you need to start over but you need to be careful that you don't replicate your problematic site by just making a duplicate of your existing problematic site. The problem can be that there are structural issues with your existing database. I have had very poor luck trying to get rid of problems by upgrading a broken site. It usually makes things worse and harder to troubleshoot because you never know whether the problem was something you injected into the site of if the upgrade process got confused by the 'broken-ness' of the old site and it injected more issues as a result. This is one problem with database-driven systems. If the database get corrupted or full of incorrect information, it can be very difficult to get it right again. How much work is it to start clean?
Eulalia replied on at Permalink Reply
I've started on that route. I am a dummy for sure, but how else to learn but bitter trial and error. And I will have learned a lot. So I've installed a subdomain on my server and started in again with a fresh install of version Which will take time but not so unreasonable as I want to make design changes and can keep the current site live until I have the other one up to speed. Decided not to reinstall the backup, but have uploaded some of the modified themes. Problems with the files, though, even though I uploaded the works, file manager doesn't find them so guess I'll have to do that from scratch. Crap! There's a lot. The other issue is installing phpMyAdmin in the new site directory- my webserver support did that on the old one. So for a while I will have some newer questions based on design issues which will be easier to handle. Moving on.

Thanks to you people for the help.
Eulalia replied on at Permalink Reply
One last post on this issue before putting it to rest. I found it quite easy and fun to rebuild the site on a subdomain, given the experience I had managing the old site. (Yay!) It did take a while though. I think the result might be cleaner code. One thing that is missing regarding the whole issue is a "go-to" information source outlining what can go wrong, perhaps explaining the meaning of certain error codes, for newbies like me, information that doesn't have to take into account understanding php language. Another thing might be a "what to avoid" section, if in your experience certain potential problems can be generalized. The problems some people show upgrading manifest a wide array of understandings, and the issue is confusing.

\Just a thought. I do appreciate the tech support on your team.