New to C5, session_regenerate_id() error while installing
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I'm an HTML developer new to Concrete5. I've just installed IIS, PHP, MySQL and phpMyAdmin apparently without problems on my laptop: I can log into phpoMyAdmin and create a user and database with the name 'concrete5' as a prelude to installing C5
However when I try to install, it creates the database tables, then fails with the error:
<code>Warning: session_regenerate_id() [function.session-regenerate-id]: Session object destruction failed in D:\Users\Maggie\Websites\localhost\concrete5\concrete\models\user.php on line 71
I don't know php I'm afraid, so I'm not sure what to do about this! Could anyone make any suggestions? Could it be as simple as a browser or IIS setting that needs changing? No-one else seems to have reported this error before, which is why I think that may be the case. How would I go about identifying and resolving the problem?
Thanks in advance!
I'm an HTML developer new to Concrete5. I've just installed IIS, PHP, MySQL and phpMyAdmin apparently without problems on my laptop: I can log into phpoMyAdmin and create a user and database with the name 'concrete5' as a prelude to installing C5
However when I try to install, it creates the database tables, then fails with the error:
<code>Warning: session_regenerate_id() [function.session-regenerate-id]: Session object destruction failed in D:\Users\Maggie\Websites\localhost\concrete5\concrete\models\user.php on line 71
I don't know php I'm afraid, so I'm not sure what to do about this! Could anyone make any suggestions? Could it be as simple as a browser or IIS setting that needs changing? No-one else seems to have reported this error before, which is why I think that may be the case. How would I go about identifying and resolving the problem?
Thanks in advance!
I found another suggestion here on the forums which partly worked. In user.php on line 71 replace
This got the installation further, but then it failed in the script concrete/models/package/starting_point.php, renaming the file site_install.php to site.php.
I got around this by changing Windows security to allow the user IIS_IUSRS to have 'modify' as well as 'read and execute', 'read' and 'write' permissions on all files and folders in concrete5.5.2.1 folder. I didn't have the patience to just change the one file, in case there were others that needed this permission also!
Note: this is on my personal laptop, which is behind a well-maintained firewall. I'm not recommending you do this! Only posting this reply to let others know I did get it working, and what worked for me.
Note 2: in between failed installations I deleted the concrete5.5.2.1 folder and contents, deleted the user and database in MySQL, restarted Windows then then re-added the user and a blank database, and re-extracted the C5 files. I did this to ensure I was starting with a blank canvas before each new install attempt.
Hope this is helpful for others in the same circumstances.