Newbie having installation problems
I am running Centos 5.8 with php 5.1.6. Though I believe I have the GD library (ran yum install php-gd), I am getting a error saying I do not have it.
Also, I do not know how to fix this erro:
Supports concrete5 request URLs
Thank you in advance for any assistance...
Also, I do not know how to fix this erro:
Supports concrete5 request URLs
Thank you in advance for any assistance...
If you look at the seems the server is set to run and start services but without gd...this is in your phpinfo file '--without-gd'
Also...I would recommend updating php to 5.3 at least.
Review this link for info about gd and enabling it
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Also...I would recommend updating php to 5.3 at least.
Review this link for info about gd and enabling it
If my post has helped you, please mark it as so. Thanks!
In other words, I need to recompile PHP? This is not something have have done...compile php. I did run yum install php-gd, but I am not sure if I am suppose to do something else.
Is there a test that I can run to see if gd is my testphp.php?
Sorry for the newbie questions, but I have to get started some place.
Is there a test that I can run to see if gd is my testphp.php?
Sorry for the newbie questions, but I have to get started some place.
No need to apologize...try running the command below in terminal
yum install php5-gd
Once that runs, restart the apache web server and then see if the error message about GD goes away.
In regards to the Support Concrete5 request URL's error....create a file called php5.ini using text editor. Paste this line cgi.fix_pathinfo = 1
and save the php5.ini file. Once that is done, upload it to the root of your website which I am assuming is /var/www/html/concrete5
That should take care of that problem. Hope this helps.
yum install php5-gd
Once that runs, restart the apache web server and then see if the error message about GD goes away.
In regards to the Support Concrete5 request URL's error....create a file called php5.ini using text editor. Paste this line cgi.fix_pathinfo = 1
and save the php5.ini file. Once that is done, upload it to the root of your website which I am assuming is /var/www/html/concrete5
That should take care of that problem. Hope this helps.
Thanks to the help on this forum and on the Centos forum, I now clear the tests:
Looks you can install and configure.
If my post was helpful, please mark it as so. Thanks!
If my post was helpful, please mark it as so. Thanks!
I have posted this on it's own thread: what goes in the Server field for the DB. I have a new DB created, however for me the server is mysql, but that does not work.
Typically you can use localhost if it's your own server. That's all you should need to enter in to install and you will be good.
Hope this helps.
Hope this helps.