Newbie Questions?
Hello, I was looking at giving concrete5 a go for a new website.
Does concrete5 allow me to place certain areas of the website behind a User Name and Password?
Does concrete5 allow me to place certain areas of the website behind a User Name and Password?
Thankyou, Am I able to do this so each user will see a different page of content? I have a small construction type business and I want to issue each user (customer) with a Username and Pass where they could login to their own area where they can see updates on their construction, plans, etc. I do not want other users to be able to see this. Each user must have their own set of pages.
You can set permissions on every page in your whole site down to user level.
So you can set the permissions up so User A only can see Page A and User B only can see Page B.
So you can set the permissions up so User A only can see Page A and User B only can see Page B.
Thankyou, will it also be able to give me the stats on when a certain user logs in?
It is not a part of the interface, but it is saved in the database, so I guess with a little coding you will probably get the output you want.
Thankyou, is there a way for me to look in the database for that? Or is there someone here I can pay to add some coding to do this?
The date is saved as 'uLastLogin' in the 'users' table in Unix timestamp format (number of seconds since January 1 1970 00:00:00 GMT). So I guess you could extend the Search Users page and include the information or you could build a new single page with the information.
If you give it a try and hit any problems, you can ask in the forums and people with better development skills than I will probably be able to help you out. But if you don't think you can handle this yourself you can always post in the 'Jobs' forum and have someone do it for you.
If you give it a try and hit any problems, you can ask in the forums and people with better development skills than I will probably be able to help you out. But if you don't think you can handle this yourself you can always post in the 'Jobs' forum and have someone do it for you.
If you enable Public Profiles you can set up user names and have your users log in to see their own profiles as well as a members page (if you wish).
You can also enable Public Registration and give your visitors the option to sign up for your site.
You can read more about it here: