No editable areas
I have successfully installed C5 but I have a weird issue. When my pages are in edit mode I can see the editable areas but I can't click on them. They're outlined and they say "add to Main", "add to Navigation", etc, but when I click the areas nothing happens. Could I have incorrect permissions somewhere? Is this a database issue? Any insight is greatly appreciated.
I'd guess that you've got some JavaScript errors creeping in. I'd run firefox/firebug and look in the console window - should show them up.
I'm now realizing the actual problem - I have to click about 40 pixels below the editable area to get the pop up allowing me to add a block or edit. It's very strange. It's a hunt and peck adventure to find the right spot.
You might want to look at your CSS - this sort of thing is typical of an area that has a fixed height, which makes no allowance for the C5 dashed outline, or the "add to area" links. If this is the case, consider switching the stylesheet when you're in edit mode
if($c->isEditMode()) {....}
if($c->isEditMode()) {....}
That makes sense, but I don't have a fixed height on any of the areas in question.
The same idea applies to artificially positioned items, such as absolute, etc.
Thanks, but that doesn't seem to be the issue, either. Now I'm getting this issue - the pop up comes up, but I can only add blocks - I can't edit what is already there. Strange.
Have you tried reverting to one of the standard themes, temporarily? Are you using a custom theme? Is it from the marketplace or one that you have developed yourself?
It's one I developed myself. I just took the html site and added the C5 areas as needed. I've done this 5 times before and have never had this issue.
It's difficult to comment further, but if you'd like to post the theme zip file, I can take a look at it. If you're not comfortable posting it in public, feel free to PM me.
I think the culprit here is
This is I think causing the rest of the page to be offset by the height of the C5 toolbar, hence the need to click below the add-too links.
Also, in your templates, you ought to have the Loader::element('footer_required') immediately before the closing </body> tag, but that's a side issue.
body { position: relative;
This is I think causing the rest of the page to be offset by the height of the C5 toolbar, hence the need to click below the add-too links.
Also, in your templates, you ought to have the Loader::element('footer_required') immediately before the closing </body> tag, but that's a side issue.
Wow! That worked! I can't tell you how much I appreciate the help. Thanks so much!
You're welcome. Incidentally I found Firefox didn't seem to mind too much, but IE8 was completely lost. Moral: Use Firefox when editing ;)