No install screen after upload to server
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Hi, i have upload all files to hosting using ftp tool and make files/, config/, packages/ and updates/ writeable.But when i can't go to install screen.
It show
The webpage at might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address.
Error 137 (net::ERR_NAME_RESOLUTION_FAILED): Unknown error.
What this error mean?
It show
The webpage at might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address.
Error 137 (net::ERR_NAME_RESOLUTION_FAILED): Unknown error.
What this error mean?!topic/chrome/absJhEAiw9I
I am afraid the link you provided isn't helpful. It talks about getting this whenever you try to go anywhere on the web, not to only one page. I think this is a domain issue. He should make sure his domain is pointed to the location where he put the C5 installation files.