Page not loading after adding switch language block


I can't access my website anymore after installing the 'switch language' block on my page. I already tried with /login.php but my page just won't load..

Does anyone have the solution?

Thank you very much in advance

JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
If you can't get in directly to the dashboard to revert page or global area versions - sounds like you have tried with your note about /login. You could try a variation:

The next trick is to create a temporary override for the switch language bock in /application/blocks.
The override would be designed to:
- not require any assets
- not add any header or footer items
- output to the page a simple 'Hello' text.
You should be able to do that by taking the switch language controller.php and view.php and deleting all methods in the controller and replacing all code in the view with: echo 'HELLO'.
supeAdm replied on at Permalink Reply
I just tried to enter with and it doesn't work. The page takes too much time to load and nothing happens.
ConcreteOwl replied on at Permalink Reply
As a temporary measure, You might try commenting out the area code in the theme template where you installed the block.
supeAdm replied on at Permalink Reply
I just tried but I can't access this php page either :(
ConcreteOwl replied on at Permalink Reply
You will have to access these files via an FTP program or your servers file manager program.