PHP error on website - upgrade issue
I got a call last night from a customer that his website was running errors all the time. and I'm quiet stuck right now as I don't know what to do next.
I know the data center moved to a new version of PHP. On the forums it already suggested to make a small change in the PhP.ini file but the hosting provider won't let me to do this.
I was thinking about upgrading but as I cannot enter the C5 dashboard, It won't make sense.
Anyone knows a solution for this?
I got a call last night from a customer that his website was running errors all the time. and I'm quiet stuck right now as I don't know what to do next.
I know the data center moved to a new version of PHP. On the forums it already suggested to make a small change in the PhP.ini file but the hosting provider won't let me to do this.
I was thinking about upgrading but as I cannot enter the C5 dashboard, It won't make sense.
Anyone knows a solution for this?
Ups, didn't sleep that much last night. Thought you said that you did update concrete5 not that the server got an update. So the backup isn't a viable solution of course.
Anyways, this may work or not, but you could also try to go to a lower PHP Version with the htaccess:
Anyways, this may work or not, but you could also try to go to a lower PHP Version with the htaccess:
You could also play a backup in - if you have one or your server makes one.
Other than that I think you should avoid taking the cheapest hosting option. Not much else you can do I guess.