pretty URL's

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Hi All,

I have run into a bit of a problem that I can't seem to figure out. I recently created a new website for a restaurant where I live. Made it locally then uploaded it to the servers (filezilla) sorted out the database and that annoying case-insensitive malarky, but now, when I have the Pretty URL's option set it gives page errors when I try to go to another page.

I tried clearing this and it seems to work, however some of the blocs then do not navigate to their target pages correctly.

url for the test location is

This will be moved to the correct location once testing complete and I have worked out this pesky problem.

Any help would be appreciated.



wormracer08 replied on at Permalink Reply
What's your .htaccess look like? Should be similar to this
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php/$1 [L]

Also did you define URL_REWRITING_ALL in config/site.php
define('URL_REWRITING_ALL', true);
Steevb replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Gary,

It's all about paths.

Check your paths and you should be fine.

Hope that helps.

Let me know.
garyjhills replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi guys,

Thanks for replies - in order: -

yes, the .htaccess file looks like that. I set the Pretty url and then went to the config file and added the line you mention - this stopped me having the ability to access the dashboard or any other pages.

All of the path locations look correct in the properties of each page. When pretty URL's are set - they look correct, when it is not set, they all look correct with index.php inserted.

I am baffled!!!
JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
You could try this free add-on to get more diagnostics:
hostco replied on at Permalink Reply
Delete what you have in your .htaccess and add this instead.

# -- concrete5 urls start --
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule .* index.php/$1 [L]
# -- concrete5 urls end --
wormracer08 replied on at Permalink Reply
Are you running php fast-cgi mode? I've never been able to get it to work like that.

You are on a Linux box?
garyjhills replied on at Permalink Reply
No it's not running in fast mode. The live server is a Unix box. I had trouble with the sql database crossing over from Windows but sorted that one out by renaming tables.

The other posts on here haven't worked either so far. I added the add-on mentioned but can't get into the Log area in the Dashboard. I think one of the Tables has been renamed incorrectly so checking that now...

It's very strange, it works prerfectly well on my localhost here before I upload it, so my guess is maybe one of the SQL tables is named incorrectly or something?
wormracer08 replied on at Permalink Reply
Humm....weird sorry I'm out of ideas my friend :(
hostco replied on at Permalink Reply
What version of concrete5 are you running?
garyjhills replied on at Permalink Reply
The latest version - 5.4.2
garyjhills replied on at Permalink Reply
Update on problem -

I completely removed the files, emptied the database and uploaded everything again, sorted the case sensitivity out, etc etc.

And still getting the same problem when I switch on Pretty URL's.

Any more ideas?

Short of loading a completely new install of concrete5 to the server and then setting it up there, I'm stumped!!
garyjhills replied on at Permalink Reply
New Update: -

Ok, so I decided to try to setup a new empty database, install concrete5 as a brand new installation on the live environment (in a sub folder) and then install all the add-ons I am using.

Pretty URL's still not working correctly. So my conclusion is that it is a problem with the Theme I am trying to use - Rigidlight.
I shall send a message to the Theme owner/designer and see if he has the answer.

Thanks all for posting previously. I'll update again if I get an answer.
JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
Does it work in the plain yoghurt default theme?
garyjhills replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi all, as Michael said - this is a hosting issue. After extensive further investigation and troubleshooting of different themes and various other hosts. I discovered that the host had not enabled the .htaccess file to re-write paths for local sites - the option is just switched off.

I have sent them a message asking them to rectify this so that the file is allowed to work properly and that should solve it. I may even be able to fix it myself if I add the correct Apache Handler (just need to work out what to do now with that lol)

Thanks again for all your posts.


garyjhills replied on at Permalink Reply
Final Update - NOW WORKING

Hi all, after another day or so talking with my hosts, who proved to be about as much use as a chocolate kettle!!

I found a thread on the forums here that had the solution to the issue.

Basically - I have to change the .htaccess file & the request.php

So all working now. The thread is above if anyone has come across my posts and was looking for an answer to this as well.