Problems installing Concrete 5 manually on Web Hosting Hub

I have an existing site created on XAMMP using C5 I want to move this to Web Hosting Hub. I can't use Softaculous as that will only install the latest 5.7. My site, themes and add ons are not compatible with the new 5.7. I tried to install manually and got 2 errors:
'mysqlt error: [2006: MySQL server has gone away] in EXECUTE("select cfValue from Config where uID = '1' and cfKey = 'QUICK_NAV_BOOKMARKS' LIMIT 1")'
'There are already 171 tables in this database. concrete5 must be installed in an empty database.'
Web Hosting Hub also tried to install this. Here is what they said about their error:
'The error thrown relates to mySQLt while we have mySQLi.'
Any ideas are appreciated!!

robodev replied on at Permalink Reply
Can you perhaps install Phpmyadmin? This might enable you to fix the database yourself. Overall this just sounds like a real basic database connectivity issue, like the host name is wrong, thus C5 cannot install.

However there are some cases where the DB 'existing tables' are ones the installer itself created, so C5 is just tripping over itself.

The way to validate that would be to see if the same number of tables exist on the same app on your local server...if it's 173 or whatever, that would tell me this is the case.

If the database tables that were created were done by C5, then you can jump past this error:
Look in


And around line 192 (actual line # may vary depending on version)

comment out this line:

$e->add(t('There are already %s tables in this database. Concrete must be installed in an empty database.', count($num)));
richardv replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for the reply. I do have phpmyadmin on Web Hosting Hub and have used it to review the databases. However, I get the 'mysqlt error…' first, so the install basically stops there. I now have a feeling that the 'There are already 171 tables…' message is due to me hitting the back home button on the page where I get the first error. Ie. C5 already added tables to the database and when I go back to the home installation page, it thinks I am trying to install again.

So I think the first error may be the one I need to figure out and that would resolve the second error.