Problems with Concrete5


I installed Concrete5 on my server (ok it's not a server, it's a space I have from OVH services) but...

It's slow as hell! Ok, it's not a problem if it's slow... The main problem is when I'm modifying stuff from admin panels.

When I modify contents of blocks or anything else, the panel takes a loooong time to show me images (and sometimes they're broken). If I try to modify it without waiting for it to load images (or with broken links) it starts loading but... Nothing happens! I have to close the browser and, when I log in again, everything is as I left it (no modifcations).

I saw other problems like that: for example, if I try to link a page in the website it opens the pop-up, it starts loading and.... NOTHING...

Do you have any ideas? It's a pity because it seems a very good CMS..

(link to my website

Adreco replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi RedGlove,
I just viewed your site without any notable page issues. Google Chrome's Speed analyzer showed a respectable 72 score but did offer several small changes you can do that would give you a slightly better performance speed.
Have you changed anything since posting? Is your browser cache cleared etc.?
Not being able to view it in edit mode, I can't tell at a glance if there are other issues

(PS. Edit issues and slow-downs on my sites have normally been cleared up by clearing site cache and browser cache both )
RedGlove replied on at Permalink Reply
Unfortunately, the big problem is inside the administration...

I cleared cache and disabled it (from dashboard) and I cleared also the browser cache.

But, I still don't know why, It gives me problem with images: VERY VERY VERY slow loading, broken links, problems with updating...

Hope someone got the same problem and solved it, or I will have to remove Concrete5 :(