Promblems installing a second instance of concrete


I recently just finished developing a site on concrete (installed locally on wamp).

I wanted to start a second project for a friend so i put a clean version of concrete in a different folder. the installation starts up, but after having entered my credentials and my SQL links and logins, it just hangs when i click on start. Nothing happens and it just stays there.

It worked perfectly for the first install. and the wamp settings are the same as when i installed it the first time.

Tried it with 5.5.21 (same as for the first project) and with 5.6.0 as well but to no avail.

can anyone offer any suggestions?

thanks a bunch

badcancer replied on at Permalink Reply
Finally managed to get this message:
Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in C:\wamp\www\concrete5.6.0\concrete\startup\session.php on line 36
Call Stack
#   Time   Memory   Function   Location
1   0.0004   668064   {main}( )   ..\index.php:0
2   0.0010   770392   require( 'C:\wamp\www\concrete5.6.0\concrete\dispatcher.php' )   ..\index.php:2
3   0.0576   6083520   require( 'C:\wamp\www\concrete5.6.0\concrete\startup\session.php' )   ..\dispatcher.php:66
joseajohnson replied on at Permalink Reply
Looks like you have a clean install folder, but do you have a fresh new db to go along with it?
badcancer replied on at Permalink Reply
Yes I created a fresh one for this.

when I enter the logins it goes to:

and just hangs. nothing happens
nteaviation replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
The first thing that comes to mind is "file permissions".

Second is clear all your windows temp files as a "borked" session temp file may be getting in the way.

I also saw this:

After that I would investigate why PHP's session_start() function is hanging. I have not looked to deeply into that topic, but may if none of the above resolves your issue.
badcancer replied on at Permalink Reply
I took a hint about the temp files..etc and I went a more roundabout way.

I installed it on a different PC and then copied the main folder and exported the DB.

Came to my PC and copied it over, created the usernames and then imported the SQL and it works like a charm!

Thanks a lot for this! was a great help!