Purchased theme through c5, it installed automagically, and I broke it :o)...

Well, not totally, but I want to reference one of the files from the original download.
I have logged into my account, and cannot find how to download it again without doing it through the site. Which will over-write a lot of my work.
Its not the end of the world, I can back up my version of the theme, reinstall it through the interface, back that up, restore my "live" backup and I will have what I need.
Only its a production site, so such activities are less than ideal.

I have searched here, and through my account, and can see no way to download the original files. Am I missing something obvious? Is there a way to download these files in their original state without repurchasing the theme (Bold Elegant 5.7) or having to backup/overwrite/reinstall it?

Thank you!

JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
On concrete5.org, you can go to the project page and detach the addon from the project (so you now have an unallocated license), then find the addon in your licenses page and it will have a link to download the original zip. Then go back to the project page and associate the license again to keep it all legal and updates supported.
johnsmart replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you so much for such a fast and thorough answer! I truly appreciate it.