Read/Write Permission Problems

I have blown my concrete5 main directory and all of its subdirectories/files wide open, chmod -R 777 .

But for some reason the following tests fails, Web Server Access to Files and Configuration Directories
The config/, packages/ and files/ directories must be writable by your web server.

Any ideas on why this may be happening? I am running this under a MAMP server with the DocRoot in $HOME/Projects

Brainakazariua replied on at Permalink Reply
It's not advicable to use 777 even on a test enviroment.
I suggest you chmod them again but instead of using a . use a *

sometimes the . causes the underlying folders to be skipped.
also, make sure the owner of the folders is correct, it might cause the problem even with the permissions wide open.

There also is a guide for installing concrete on a mamp enviroment here:

not sure if you used it but I suggest you check it to see if you did everything in it correctly
thephilm replied on at Permalink Reply
I've seen this issue when running in PHP 5 FastCGI Mode. Noticed this on CentOS 5.5 with PHP 5.1 I believe.
May be an issue where the files are owned by the wrong group. Can you add them to the apache group?
I'm not very proficient with Linux administration (and I'm not even sure if you are on Linux) but I've seen this in those circumstances.