relocating a site warnings but no site ?
Hi, all,
I've succesfully trensfered a site to a new host
Took some learning but it worked.
Now i've got to do an additional 20 of them.
So I tought I've got this down.
But the second site give's me the following error(2) (warnings)
Warning: Declaration of Concrete5_Model_EditPagePropertiesPagePermissionAccess::save($args) should be compatible with Concrete5_Model_PermissionAccess::save() in /home/dbag/public_html/concrete/core/models/permission/access/categories/custom/edit_page_properties.php on line 0
Warning: Declaration of Concrete5_Model_CollectionAttributeKey::getList() should be compatible with Concrete5_Model_AttributeKey::getList($akCategoryHandle, $filters = Array) in /home/dbag/public_html/concrete/core/models/attribute/categories/collection.php on line 23
Warning: Declaration of Concrete5_Model_CollectionAttributeKey::add($at, $args, $pkg = false) should be compatible with Concrete5_Model_AttributeKey::add($akCategoryHandle, $type, $args, $pkg = false) in /home/dbag/public_html/concrete/core/models/attribute/categories/collection.php on line 23
Warning: Declaration of Concrete5_Model_PendingAttributeType::getList() should be compatible with Concrete5_Model_AttributeType::getList($akCategoryHandle = false) in /home/dbag/public_html/concrete/core/models/attribute/type.php on line 0
Warning: Declaration of Concrete5_Library_AttributeTypeController::setupAndRun($method) should be compatible with Concrete5_Library_Controller::setupAndRun() in /home/dbag/public_html/concrete/core/libraries/attribute/controller.php on line 0
Warning: Declaration of Concrete5_Library_AttributeTypeController::post($field = false) should be compatible with Concrete5_Library_Controller::post($key = NULL, $defaultValue = NULL) in /home/dbag/public_html/concrete/core/libraries/attribute/controller.php on line 0
Warning: Declaration of Concrete5_Library_AttributeTypeController::request($field = false) should be compatible with Concrete5_Library_Controller::request($key = NULL, $defaultValue = NULL) in /home/dbag/public_html/concrete/core/libraries/attribute/controller.php on line 0
Warning: Declaration of Concrete5_Controller_AttributeType_Select::exportValue($akn) should be compatible with Concrete5_Library_AttributeTypeController::exportValue(SimpleXMLElement $akv) in /home/dbag/public_html/concrete/core/models/attribute/types/select.php on line 3
Warning: Declaration of Concrete5_Controller_AttributeType_Select::saveKey($data) should be compatible with Concrete5_Library_AttributeTypeController::saveKey() in /home/dbag/public_html/concrete/core/models/attribute/types/select.php on line 3
Warning: Declaration of Concrete5_Controller_AttributeType_Select::duplicateKey($newAK) should be compatible with Concrete5_Library_AttributeTypeController::duplicateKey() in /home/dbag/public_html/concrete/core/models/attribute/types/select.php on line 3
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/dbag/public_html/concrete/core/models/permission/access/categories/custom/edit_page_properties.php:0) in /home/dbag/public_html/packages/page_auto_redirect/models/page_auto_redirect.php on line 77
Anybody knows what to do?
I've succesfully trensfered a site to a new host
Took some learning but it worked.
Now i've got to do an additional 20 of them.
So I tought I've got this down.
But the second site give's me the following error(2) (warnings)
Warning: Declaration of Concrete5_Model_EditPagePropertiesPagePermissionAccess::save($args) should be compatible with Concrete5_Model_PermissionAccess::save() in /home/dbag/public_html/concrete/core/models/permission/access/categories/custom/edit_page_properties.php on line 0
Warning: Declaration of Concrete5_Model_CollectionAttributeKey::getList() should be compatible with Concrete5_Model_AttributeKey::getList($akCategoryHandle, $filters = Array) in /home/dbag/public_html/concrete/core/models/attribute/categories/collection.php on line 23
Warning: Declaration of Concrete5_Model_CollectionAttributeKey::add($at, $args, $pkg = false) should be compatible with Concrete5_Model_AttributeKey::add($akCategoryHandle, $type, $args, $pkg = false) in /home/dbag/public_html/concrete/core/models/attribute/categories/collection.php on line 23
Warning: Declaration of Concrete5_Model_PendingAttributeType::getList() should be compatible with Concrete5_Model_AttributeType::getList($akCategoryHandle = false) in /home/dbag/public_html/concrete/core/models/attribute/type.php on line 0
Warning: Declaration of Concrete5_Library_AttributeTypeController::setupAndRun($method) should be compatible with Concrete5_Library_Controller::setupAndRun() in /home/dbag/public_html/concrete/core/libraries/attribute/controller.php on line 0
Warning: Declaration of Concrete5_Library_AttributeTypeController::post($field = false) should be compatible with Concrete5_Library_Controller::post($key = NULL, $defaultValue = NULL) in /home/dbag/public_html/concrete/core/libraries/attribute/controller.php on line 0
Warning: Declaration of Concrete5_Library_AttributeTypeController::request($field = false) should be compatible with Concrete5_Library_Controller::request($key = NULL, $defaultValue = NULL) in /home/dbag/public_html/concrete/core/libraries/attribute/controller.php on line 0
Warning: Declaration of Concrete5_Controller_AttributeType_Select::exportValue($akn) should be compatible with Concrete5_Library_AttributeTypeController::exportValue(SimpleXMLElement $akv) in /home/dbag/public_html/concrete/core/models/attribute/types/select.php on line 3
Warning: Declaration of Concrete5_Controller_AttributeType_Select::saveKey($data) should be compatible with Concrete5_Library_AttributeTypeController::saveKey() in /home/dbag/public_html/concrete/core/models/attribute/types/select.php on line 3
Warning: Declaration of Concrete5_Controller_AttributeType_Select::duplicateKey($newAK) should be compatible with Concrete5_Library_AttributeTypeController::duplicateKey() in /home/dbag/public_html/concrete/core/models/attribute/types/select.php on line 3
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/dbag/public_html/concrete/core/models/permission/access/categories/custom/edit_page_properties.php:0) in /home/dbag/public_html/packages/page_auto_redirect/models/page_auto_redirect.php on line 77
Anybody knows what to do?

I'd say that it's a php version incompatibility. Using older versions of c5 with newer versions of php can result in such errors. Upgrading c5 to its latest version is probably the best solution, but the quickest solution is to set your php version back to 5.6. That will give you a somewhat slower site, though.
Ok that did it!
Can you tell me what version of PHP and concrete5 you had on the old working site, and what you are now using on the migrated ones?
It looks to me as if you are using PHP7+ on the new hosting and have a fairly old version of concrete5. Early versions of concrete5.7 would not work with PHP7, and concrete 5.6 will not work at all.
Assuming you're using 5.7, upgrade to and then you should be able to migrate to your new hosting without further issue.
It looks to me as if you are using PHP7+ on the new hosting and have a fairly old version of concrete5. Early versions of concrete5.7 would not work with PHP7, and concrete 5.6 will not work at all.
Assuming you're using 5.7, upgrade to and then you should be able to migrate to your new hosting without further issue.
Thanks for your answer.
I've changed the version to 5.6 and all is well.
I've changed the version to 5.6 and all is well.