Restoring a backup from a site using an old core with latest update, to a site using the newest core (i.e not an update) ok?

Hi there - this might be a stupid question but...
I was wondering if it is safe, good practice to update my old version of C5 I'm running on my dev environment (laptop with WAMP) to the latest version, perform a backup, then restore that backup to a fresh install of the latest version on my production server?
Is this bad practice?
Is it better to keep my production server files the same as my dev/wamp environment as indicated in the 'moving a site' guide.

JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
What you have described does work and has the benefit of a fresh and uncluttered web file space.

Having created a fully up-to-date online site and core, I would be tempted to clone that (files and data) back to my development system and make that clone the reference site for further development work.