Sample content mysql instalation error


I try the great block to install sample content with my theme. But i meet lot of error. The last i can't resolve is a mysql error :
mysql error: [1050: Table 'CollectionSearchIndexAttributes' already exists] in EXECUTE("CREATE TABLE CollectionSearchIndexAttributes ( cID INTEGER(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, PRIMARY KEY (cID) )")

I imagine that they are a xml node in 'content.xml' that should no be there but wich one ?

I've exported the demo site with "Sample Content Generator" and created a special package that contains all things needed.
I has created a empty C5 instalation with no sample content. I has installed the theme and after my package containing the content.xml. During instalation it broke with the sql error above..

Can't anyone help me ?

Thank you a lot


goldhat replied on at Permalink Reply
I ran into this same error today and found this old post about it along with a related bug report at

As the discussion in the bug report and my own recent tests confirm, the general idea is that you cannot copy/paste from the Sample Content Generator. And when you export any site the XML export is very big, even for a very small site... so paring it down to the things you need may not be easy. Instead of paring down all the XML from the Sample Content Generator I'm going to try starting with a blank content.xml and just add in Page Types first, then add in Pages, and then pick and choose whatever else I need. By adding piece by piece and trying the install after each piece is added, we can figure out what we need to include there. Hope this helps some future StartingPoint creator.