Search doesn't work, no goups shown

Hi,I have 2 questions.

1. I've read a few posts here that some are having troubles with the search but haven't seen any solution. Has it been fixed? I've got a clean default install, I've run the indexer 100 times but the search returns nothing. I've checked the database PageSearchIndex table and indeed the content field is empty.

2. When I go to Users & Groups - Groups it only shows an Administrators group. When I try to add a 'Registered Users' group, it says it's already made - but I can't see it anywhere in the site

linuxoid replied on at Permalink Reply
Anyone? Has anyone got Search working? After 2 hours trying to fix it in vain, I finally got 2 search results out of the whole site by searching for "press" - gave me the press release, and "home" - gave me the home page. That's it!. There may be more weird results. But how can I make it search the whole site? Please help. Thank you.