Shipping Errors let os mysql error 1602

I was getting errors during the check out and I found that if I disabled shipping the errors went away. By suggestion, I uninstalled the e-commerce add-on and reinstalled it in hopes of fixing this. Now when I reinstall the e-commerce add on I get the following error:

mysql error: [1062: Duplicate entry 'billing_first_name-2' for key 2] in EXECUTE("insert into AttributeKeys (akHandle, akName, akIsSearchable, akIsSearchableIndexed, akIsAutoCreated, akIsEditable, atID, akCategoryID, pkgID) values ('billing_first_name', 'First Name', 1, 0, 0, 1, '1', '2', 0)")

Any Help would be appreciated!

synlag replied on at Permalink Reply
can you or admin pls put this into core commerce support/requests.
Could you provide some more information?