Site stopped working
Hi, all. :)
My mom's website was running fine, then she visited one day, and the site showed only this error: "mysql error: [1146: Table 'alphaila_conc1.Pages' doesn't exist] in EXECUTE("select cPointerID from Pages where cID = 1 LIMIT 1")"
Any ideas?
I'm not a coder, but I tried adding an empty "Pages" table in that database, and all that did was change the error to something else, still referencing something in "Pages".
The database appears mostly intact, or at least I still see tons of other tables in the database... just not "Pages".
Thanks. :)
My mom's website was running fine, then she visited one day, and the site showed only this error: "mysql error: [1146: Table 'alphaila_conc1.Pages' doesn't exist] in EXECUTE("select cPointerID from Pages where cID = 1 LIMIT 1")"
Any ideas?
I'm not a coder, but I tried adding an empty "Pages" table in that database, and all that did was change the error to something else, still referencing something in "Pages".
The database appears mostly intact, or at least I still see tons of other tables in the database... just not "Pages".
Thanks. :)
with a little bit of luck your host should be doing backups of the database from time to time. Have you asked them?
Thanks. They had a backup, but not recent enough. :(
How does the Pages table just disappear?
How does the Pages table just disappear?
I really have no idea.
Maybe the host messed up?
Maybe the host messed up?