I'm getting an ADODB_Exception error when I try to access the dashboard. I've found some other questions and answers about this particular error on the forum, and most of them seem to suggest that it's caused by the database version and the core version not matching. I haven't updated recently, but I did move to a new host and I'm wondering if something went awry in the move.

My config/site.php file has the following line:
define('DIRNAME_APP_UPDATED', 'concrete5.6.3.1');

and my config table shows SITE_APP_VERSION, which matches and therefore everything should be good, right?

But I also have a line in the config table that shows SITE_INSTALLED_APP_VERSION, which does not match. I can't find any discussion anywhere about what SITE_INSTALLED_APP_VERSION means and whether it might be related to my problem or if it doesn't matter.

Does anyone know?

tallacman replied on at Permalink Reply
Ive seen this problem before. It may be from an incomplete upgrade. I have has success fixing it by replacing the core files. Contact me if youd like me to take a look.