Sitemap icon on Dashboard Nav
I'm setting up a new C5 dev area and I noticed some slight differences from a previous project. The previous setup has a Sitemap icon in the Dashboard Nav area (upper right). The current does not have this feature. If I did something to accomplish this, I've totally forgotten. Could someone helpme in how the sitemap icon gets enabled on the DashBoard Nav. i.e. see attach
No problem. Log in, dashboard, sitewide settings, select editing preferences from bottom of left column
I have a fresh install of and I checked the boxes as suggested. The problem is that in Site Nav area both the sitemap and file manager links are missing the icons (the label and link are there - see attached images). When you click on the label, instead of a pop up box with the content block you are supposed to get I get a no style html sitemap or file manager page in the same window as the originating page.
Any suggestions?
Any suggestions?