smtp settings

I wish to use an add-on Toesslab to send newsletters with concrete5.
I am unable to set the smtp settings.
I receive an error.
Please see the attachment for more info.


1 Attachment

jero replied on at Permalink Reply
My guess is that your SMTP service requires the "From" address of the email to be the same as the user that you're logging in with to send the email.

If you add or edit application/config/concrete.php to include:

return array(
   'email' => array(
      'default' => array(
         'address' => ''),
         'name'    => 'My Nice Name'
      'form_block' => array(
         'address' => '',
         'name' => 'My Nice Name'
      'forgot_password' => array(
         'address' => '',
         'name' => 'My Nice Name'
      'validate_registration' => array(

Substituting your email user name and your real name as necessary, you might have more luck.