transfered site: index.php = setup C5 page.

How do I get rid of this set-up page? I did everything I was supposed to do; (1) turned of pretty URLs, (2) exported database, (3) uploaded files to new server, (4) imported database, (5) changed paths in Config/site.php

...but when I go to index.php on the new server, it's telling me to set up C5. And when I do, it says it can only set up C5 on an empty database. I need to bypass this screen and just have index.php be the homepage.

zoinks replied on at Permalink Reply
Furthermore, I deleted the database (thinking I would just re-import it after the set-up page, but upon completion of the set-up, I just got this error:

500 - Internal server error.
There is a problem with the resource you are looking for, and it cannot be displayed.