Transferring a website

I am new to web design...or more truthfully I am a simple minded person who had someone develop a website for me in Dreamweaver. My host name is IXwebhosting. I want to transfer that website to Concrete5 so I have editing ability. I have two questions:

Do I need to either hire someone to transfer for me or be a web designer myself to do this?


Once it's transferred, can someone like me make the simple changes I need to without knowing about all the codes and stuff?

Sadu replied on at Permalink Reply

There are 2 ways to go here. Firstly you could hire someone to convert your existing theme to Concrete5. If you are new to web design, converting a theme to Concrete5 yourself would be a difficult project. I wouldn't suggest this unless you have time to spare.

The second way to go would be to use a host like Dreamhost who has aa Concrete5 Auto-installer. With Dreamhost anyone can get an empty C5 site installed with a few clicks. Then you install a premade theme (find one in the marketplace you like). Then copy-paste the content and images across from the old site into Concrete5 via the dashboard.

The second approach you can do yourself without any experience, but you wouldn't be transferring your current design - just the content. This would probably be ok if your design is just something basic.

But if you are quite font of your existing design, then you probably need to find a developer to convert the theme for you. This can be done in as little as 1-2 hours if your site is simple and you are happy to copy the content across yourself.

Obviously a lot depends on how complex your existing site is, it's hard to comment further without seeing the site in question.
Sadu replied on at Permalink Reply
Sorry, to answer your second question...

Yes, in my opinion you can do a lot with Concrete5 without knowing codes and stuff, compared with other CMSs out there. Be prepared to buy a few addons in the marketplace as you need them.

I will say that it's helpful to have a friendly developer available when you need one - things like custom templates are easy for developers to create, and they really extend what you can do with Concrete5.