Ugh, can't find tcp, what did my web hosting people change?

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New error message when I try to access my web site which I haven't touched for a while:
is_dir(): Unable to find the wrapper "tcp" - did you forget to enable it when you configured PHP?
Anyone see this happen before?
The site is hosted by

cvtgorg replied on at Permalink Reply
The owner of says:
Over the weekend our datacenter detected a critical error on the network segment housing the server your account is on and proceeded to clone the server to a different network segment. While it is an exact clone, it is possible that something is slightly different in the hardware that may be behind this.

I saw something while googling about somebody getting the same error message with another CMS and needing to change a hard-coded IP address somewhere but I don't know where to look in Concrete5.
Gondwana replied on at Permalink Reply
It could be a php extension.
cvtgorg replied on at Permalink Reply
The very helpful manager of sureshothosting said (and it's mostly Greek to me):
"I found that the issue was caused by a switch, in the recent cPanel PHP update, to using Redis as the default session storage engine. This appears to be a known issue with Concrete5 and Redis. The solution I found, and implemented, was to modify the Concrete configuration file located at "/concrete/config/concrete.php" and change the "session.save_handler" value to 'database' (the default value is 'file' but the "session.save_path" value is empty). I made this change and the site now loads."
That site was on Concrete 8.4.3. I have another site on version 8.1.0, , that seems to still be hung even after making a similar change. I'll try to upgrade that one later.
cvtgorg replied on at Permalink Reply
New error message when I try to log in an edit pages:
preg_match(): Compilation failed: invalid range in character class at offset 4
Somewhere in the code there must have been a regular expression with an invalid range, an example online said it could be something like _-\s (somebody has a hyphen where they maybe meant \- ?) Older version of PHP must have ignored it, but newer version makes the site crash.

I ended up unzipping the latest version of Concrete5 to my sites, only replacing the concrete/ directory at the top level and still making the concrete.php config change (even though I saw something in there now about Redis). I am back online now. (I couldn't use the automatic updater since my site was really broken, but I don't like it anyway, it leaves too many files around and I'm trying to keep my footprint as small as possible.)