Unable to connect to database error

I am trying to install concret5 on my site to a subfolder called "autotest" as a test. I followed the steps, created a new database, etc. but I get a message " Unable to connect to database." I am not sure what to put in the "server" field. Is that supposed to be my domain name?
Thank you for the help

RicAnthony replied on at Permalink Reply
Sorry for the multiple posts... My page was just hanging there. I thought the post had not gone through.
mhawke replied on at Permalink Reply
Try 'localhost' first.
RicAnthony replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks...that worked...appreciate the help.
andrewjaff replied on at Permalink Reply
To check server name , go to phpmyadmin, here you will see the server name like localhost or something else.
RicAnthony replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks... localhost worked