Unable to connect to database. - RESOLVED
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I'm moving a site from localhost to a web server and but I end up with the following when I log into the site:
"Unable to connect to database. A database error occurred while processing this request."
I can see the concrete5 bar at the top so I know the files are there, I have imported everything to the database and that should be fine. My config/site.php is similar to the following(don't want to give away the credentials). The actual site can be viewed at "http://eclinical.exstream.tv" for reference.
define('DB_SERVER', 'mysql-f11b.mysqldbserver.com');
define('DB_USERNAME', 'seen72'); /* also tried 'seen72_mysql-f11b.mysqldbserver.com' */
define('DB_PASSWORD', 'Pelic@n!');
define('DB_DATABASE', 'seen72_mysql-f11b.mysqldbserver.com'); /* also tried 'seen72') */
define('DIR_REL', '');
define('BASE_URL', 'http://eclinical.exstream.tv');
I've searched through just about every concrete5 discussion I can find and can't find a way to remedy the situation. Been at it for 7 hours and at a loss. I also know very little php. Any help anyone can offer would be greatly appreciated as I'm hard up on a deadline.
"Unable to connect to database. A database error occurred while processing this request."
I can see the concrete5 bar at the top so I know the files are there, I have imported everything to the database and that should be fine. My config/site.php is similar to the following(don't want to give away the credentials). The actual site can be viewed at "http://eclinical.exstream.tv" for reference.
define('DB_SERVER', 'mysql-f11b.mysqldbserver.com');
define('DB_USERNAME', 'seen72'); /* also tried 'seen72_mysql-f11b.mysqldbserver.com' */
define('DB_PASSWORD', 'Pelic@n!');
define('DB_DATABASE', 'seen72_mysql-f11b.mysqldbserver.com'); /* also tried 'seen72') */
define('DIR_REL', '');
define('BASE_URL', 'http://eclinical.exstream.tv');
I've searched through just about every concrete5 discussion I can find and can't find a way to remedy the situation. Been at it for 7 hours and at a loss. I also know very little php. Any help anyone can offer would be greatly appreciated as I'm hard up on a deadline.
my localhost server is set up for PHP extension: mysqli while the server I'm migrating to is set up for PHP extension: mysql. Does this matter?
also, my localhost is Apache 2.2 while the server I'm migrating the site to is iis/6.0
Are you sure that you are using the actual name of your database? What you have posted in the following line seems very long, it is looking for a database name, not a host name keep in mind:
define('DB_DATABASE', 'seen72_mysql-f11b.mysqldbserver.com'); /* also tried 'seen72') */
define('DB_DATABASE', 'seen72_mysql-f11b.mysqldbserver.com'); /* also tried 'seen72') */
I did 'seen72' which I believe is the correct name, as that is what shows up in phpMyAdmin as the database name. When I do that and leave username as 'seen72' the page goes blank (no error, not nothing) and I'm not sure if that I sign that I'm going in the right direction or not. The source code for this reads as:
so I'm guessing this is the wrong direction.
so I'm guessing this is the wrong direction.
searched all the "blank page" threads to no avail.
permissions for /packages /updates /config /files /sitemap.xml are all read/write/executable.
turns out that my MySQL tables were created as all lowercase. I went in and manually changed the tables through phpMyAdmin to camelCase.