Unable to connect to database

I'm having issues installing C5 on an Xserve running Leopard Server. It was a major pain to get GD installed, but now that all the check marks are green, I'm still not out of the woods yet.

I know there's some issue with the MySQL database, but having any idea other than "Unable to connect" would be great. Is there any way to enable further error reporting? I'm fine editing PHP to do so, or looking at error logs - I just haven't been able to find out WHY C5 can't connect.

Thanks for any help!

synlag replied on at Permalink Reply
I had this problem too.

I tried

instead of the mysql-url and it worked.
pathfinder05 replied on at Permalink Reply

Some info for noobies out there.

If your domain name is offforadrive.com then your user account with your host will probably be something like 'offfora'. This means when you make a database and database user called 'concrete' and 'simon' they will actually be - in most cases - be called 'offfora_concrete' and 'offfora_simon'.

Those last two names are what you put in the database and user fields on the concrete5 install page. 'localhost' is the usual server and don't forget the password you made for the USER not database.

Good luck and happy concreting!