Update and plugin installation - Can anybody help a newbie?
Im tired of getting spam mails so i think i need a "captcha" or something at contact us section. How can that be done?
Also want to update, but im not sure how i do it after downloading update, as it doesent happen automatically.
I have no coding or programming knowledge.
Thank you
Also want to update, but im not sure how i do it after downloading update, as it doesent happen automatically.
I have no coding or programming knowledge.
Thank you

What is your website address so I can take a look at your existing setup..
Your site is running
Your best option is to manually upgrade to, you cannot upgrade to via the dashboard.
As for the captcha.. take a look in the legacy addons for the 'Honeypot' captcha it works well for my 5.6.X.X sites..
Your best option is to manually upgrade to, you cannot upgrade to via the dashboard.
As for the captcha.. take a look in the legacy addons for the 'Honeypot' captcha it works well for my 5.6.X.X sites..
Thanks, but i dont know how to update manually, any chance you want to present a simple step by step for dummies guide?
I would normally do the upgrade on my local wamp server, and when I was happy that is all working okay, I would replace the files and database on the live server.
As you have already posted that you have no coding or programming knowledge I would recommend that you get a developer to do the upgrade for you..
As you have already posted that you have no coding or programming knowledge I would recommend that you get a developer to do the upgrade for you..
But do you really need coding knowledge for update a site? Is it not any step-by-step guide to follow?
And how do you install addons (?) as this might be a quicker way to solve this maybe (?)
And how do you install addons (?) as this might be a quicker way to solve this maybe (?)
I actually manage to install the Keycaptcha - 1.0 addon :http://prntscr.com/lrncwj
but its not showing on my live site for some reason, even after clear cache..
but its not showing on my live site for some reason, even after clear cache..
Which Concrete5 version currently you used?
if you used concrete5 - then first it update to version
follow below steps :
1) Take project backup and database backup.
2) First download Concrete5 Repo. from "https://www.concrete5.org/developers/developer-downloads/". make sure a version which you download is less or equal to 8. (if you used concrete5 - then first it update to version
2) Remove concrete folder from your project.
3) Copy concrete folder from downloaded Repo.
4) Open concole in you project dir.
5) And run ./concrete/bin/concrete5 c5:update
if you used concrete5 - then first it update to version
follow below steps :
1) Take project backup and database backup.
2) First download Concrete5 Repo. from "https://www.concrete5.org/developers/developer-downloads/". make sure a version which you download is less or equal to 8. (if you used concrete5 - then first it update to version
2) Remove concrete folder from your project.
3) Copy concrete folder from downloaded Repo.
4) Open concole in you project dir.
5) And run ./concrete/bin/concrete5 c5:update
If this is a 5.6 site, the only correct part of the above instruction is about taking a backup. The rest will of the above instruction will fail.
There is no upgrade route from 5.6.x to any subsequent c5 core. The only route from 5.6.x to or v8 is to develop a new site, which may be assisted by a content export and subsequent import. But that is not a built in upgrade.
There is no upgrade route from 5.6.x to any subsequent c5 core. The only route from 5.6.x to or v8 is to develop a new site, which may be assisted by a content export and subsequent import. But that is not a built in upgrade.
Not sure actually how i check which site version im runing but it was mention over here that it was
Anyway, the only problem actually is the spam emails from the contact sheet, therefore i tried ti install captcha that was suppose to work with this version, but its not showing on the live site (see my post above) , do you know why?
Anyway, the only problem actually is the spam emails from the contact sheet, therefore i tried ti install captcha that was suppose to work with this version, but its not showing on the live site (see my post above) , do you know why?
Have you checked that the captcha service still exists? With so many sites standardising on reCaptcha now, a lot of older captcha services have closed.
What do you mean "exist" ? I downloaded a zip, and installed it, what more can i do?
Btw, do you by any chance know other captcha addons that would work with my site? This one seem to be compatible only on 5.7 and above:https://www.concrete5.org/marketplace/addons/recaptcha...
Btw, do you by any chance know other captcha addons that would work with my site? This one seem to be compatible only on 5.7 and above:https://www.concrete5.org/marketplace/addons/recaptcha...
Most Captcha addons interface to an external service, not everything is in the zip. The c5 server and/or web page captcha calls a url in the external service.
Any suggestion on how to stop the spam from the contact form?
If you want a low-tech and inelegant solution:
So i can uninstall current contact form and install this? Wouldnt this effect the design/UI of the webpage?
Yes and yes. It could be edited/restyled within limits to match your current site, but that might be a job for a developer.
It should be safe for you to install the 'no links' package and plonk its block onto a new page, so you can see what it looks like. When done, delete that page and uninstall 'no links'.
It should be safe for you to install the 'no links' package and plonk its block onto a new page, so you can see what it looks like. When done, delete that page and uninstall 'no links'.
Dont you think it might be faster to just find a new captcha addon that is operative?
Have you activated the captcha?
go to /dashboard/system/permissions/captcha/ and select your captcha from the drop down list..
go to /dashboard/system/permissions/captcha/ and select your captcha from the drop down list..
By the way, this is the one I prefer for a 5.6 site..
It works in the background and does not show up as a captcha on your form.
It works in the background and does not show up as a captcha on your form.
I did installed it yesterday, but the spam emails keep coming in. How do i know its activated? Anything i can do?
Attach a screen shot of your /dashboard/system/permissions/captcha/ page and another of your form/options page
and another of your form/options page
please advise where i can find form/option page
Put your form into edit mode (edit the block) and find one of the tabs called 'Options' and click it.
Front end of the website you mean? Clicking the contact form?
I get this, cant see any "option":http://prntscr.com/m5v81n (?)
I get this, cant see any "option":http://prntscr.com/m5v81n (?)
Yes - click edit and then look for the Options tab
I only get this then:http://prntscr.com/m5wqha
So, how do you enable a captcha on your custom form?
Do you really need a custom form, could you not use the standard form instead?
The standard form comes with the options that you are missing.
I can tell you that the Honeypot Captcha is enabled on your form by looking at the source code of your Contact page..
Do you really need a custom form, could you not use the standard form instead?
The standard form comes with the options that you are missing.
I can tell you that the Honeypot Captcha is enabled on your form by looking at the source code of your Contact page..