Update Concrete5 to Concrete5 5.7

I know there have been other posts on this topic but I am still having some trouble updating to 5.7. I use xampp to run my server and htdocs where I store my "concrete5.6.3.1" folder. I have installed concrete5.6.3.1 and my database is phpAdmin.
I have downloaded "concrete5-5.7.0-master" fromhttps://github.com/concrete5/concrete5-5.7.0/... .
What is the best and easiest way to update now? I am not that experienced with using GitHub. Much appreciated with the help. Thank you!

PineCreativeLabs replied on at Permalink Reply
5.7 is not released yet - it is still in BETA for a while yet. For now, you should stick with

Also, I recommend waiting a little while even after 5.7 is released, to make sure any bugs are worked out.
Jupiter replied on at Permalink Reply
5.7 is not released yet - it is still in BETA version.
After release 5.7 if you want to update your site then please download 5.7 and fresh install it.
This is best option
ConcreteOwl replied on at Permalink Reply
As I understand it.. There will be no option to 'Upgrade' to 5.7, you will therefore need to install 5.7 and build your site from scratch..
okapi replied on at Permalink Reply
There will no option to upgrade existing sites?? Very bad, if that's true, where did you get that information?
RadiantWeb replied on at Permalink Reply
Correct, there will be no update from 5.6 to 5.7. The base code is completely different with few similarities between them. Addon developers will have to completely convert to the new file/folder/class structure as well. So when 5.7 does come out, there will be a pretty significant time span of lack of addons and themes as well.

The code changes are needed and good, and make the product much better. (Verdict is still out on UI changes.) But there is going to be some painful growing pains just around the corner here for certain.
